This past month was quite eventful for Peerless-AV. Lucky for us, among our pre-InfoComm preparations, our team made the time to join other experts to discuss what’s on the horizon for AV professionals, including (of course) InfoComm and so much more. In case you missed it, take a listen to the podcasts below.


AVSocial 23: Free Beer!

How do manufacturers prepare for InfoComm? How does InfoComm help integrators get their message out?

Peerless-AV’s Marketing Communications Manager, Megan Dutta, talks InfoComm preparations, Peerless-AV’s partnership with Daytona International Speedway, networking at the show, exhibitor benefits, preshow mailers, online marketing, and more.



AVWeek 299: Co-opetition

What is the viability of voice control in commercial audio video installations?

Peerless-AV’s Managing Director of Commercial Sales, Earl Naegele, shares insights on mergers/acquisitions, securing interactive kiosk user information, biometric/voice data collection, and where the line lies when balancing security and user benefit.



The AV Life Episode 31: AV People, Social Media and Marketing – Perfect Together

What are the “musts” for a great social media strategy?

Peerless-AV’s Marketing Communications Manager, Megan Dutta, discusses marketing and social media strategy, intranet vs. social media usage, the role of sales in terms of social media, listening tools, and more.



The AV Life Episode 33: Digital Signage – Orlando, Las Vegas, New York, London and the World

How has the digital signage industry expanded globally? What are the top shows to attend?

Peerless-AV’s Vice President of Sales for Americas and APAC, Brian McClimans, talks digital signage technologies as well as key industry trade shows and events, including InfoComm 2017, Digital Signage Expo, New York Digital Signage Week, and London Digital Signage Week.



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