While the first digital kiosk was developed in the 1970’s, more and more can be found popping up in public spaces for a variety of different uses. From entertaining to wayfinding, kiosks can be a useful tool both indoors and outdoors, thanks to Peerless-AV’s versatile and sleek kiosks enclosures. Continue reading to learn how impactful kiosks are in your day-to-day life!
Landscape and Portrait Kiosks

Whether jet setting to another country, or visiting your primary care doctor, indoor kiosks offer a quick way to obtain information efficiently and independently. With interactive capabilities such as printing tickets to checking yourself in to an appointment, kiosks can often help crowded locations operate easily. Indoor kiosks can commonly be found in movie theaters, train stations, fast food establishments, hospitals, grocery stores, and malls/shopping centers.
Outdoor Kiosks

Prepared to withstand the toughest of weather conditions, outdoor kiosks are also a great way to communicate information easily with large amounts of people. Whether users are passing by to glance at an advertisement or using an interactive map to find their way around a city, like with our Smart City Kiosk, kiosks are another way to help cities become more tech friendly. Outdoor kiosks can commonly be found in arenas, stadiums, drive-thru establishments, gas stations, public transportation hubs.

At Peerless-AV, we aim to offer simple solutions to everyday life, which is why we offer the KioskBuilder™ application for integrators. With KioskBuilder™, simply answer a series of questions such as where your kiosks will be installed, preferred orientation, and the technology you want integrated, and our team can take it from there! We are proud partners of a variety of technology companies who guarantee product compatibility and top performance.
Where else do you use kiosks in your daily life? Tell us in the comments below!